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School Registry System

School Registry

Author: Appdec/09 December 2011/Categories: Portfolio, All, Desktop

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School Registry System is a software system (application with database) developed for evidencing Kosova’s schools, dedicated to  Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) and subcontracted by CMC company to Appdec. 

This software system can be used for registration, update and detailed reporting of education institutions for entire Kosova. With this system, MEST can have a clear picture of all details of the education institutions of Kosova. The system co-acts with ArcGIS, respectively with ArcMap, which gives access to the locating of every educating object directly from the evidence of schools system, on the Kosovo’s map, respectively on the ArcMap system.

The system runs on LAN (intranet), with a centralized database. This means that all the data is saved on the server, meanwhile the users (officers of MEST) can log on to the system from their computers through the interface of the software without having to manage their data on their computers. This enables an unlimited number of users to work on the system. Depended on the requirement of MEST, the system developed on the recent Microsoft technology can also be installed and adjusted for internet access. This enables all municipals to register and manage their institutions data, meanwhile MEST can automatically generate various reports for entire Kosovo.

The system is developed to be highly functional, user friendly and easy to learn for each officer of >MEST. This system enables generating of above 20 preconfigured reports and has also tool for generating dynamic reports depending on needs of MEST.

The system is modern, developed on the latest Microsoft technology, respectively on WPF and .NET Framework 3.5 & 4, and database on Microsoft SQL Server. This makes the system expandable. Thus, depending on the needs and requirements of there can be added additional features or can be modified current ones. The interface is developed in the three official languages of Kosovo with possibility to add other languages

Project Details

  • Software Development
  • Software Testing & QA
  • Integration & Migration
  • Desktop Application
  • 2011
Programming Languages
  • T-SQL
  • VB.NET
Programming Technologies
Programming Tools
  • Visual Studio
  • MS SQL Server
Interface Language
  • English
  • Albanian
  • Serbian
Client Name
  • 3M
Place, CityPrishtinë
  • Intranet

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