25 December 2014
BERT - Ballistic Evidence Recovery and Tracing system is a software tool that allows for the registration, management and identification of all...
27 March 2014
PMRIS - Petroleum Market Regulation Information System is developed for Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) with the aim of digitizing processes...
27 March 2014
PMF - Performance Management Framework module was created within EMIS to monitor and control mechanisms in order to systematically monitor...
19 March 2014
DBN – Diaspora Business Network is a highly professional social network created to keep Kosovarian Businesses in Kosovo and worldwide...
31 December 2013
DVIS - Domestic Violence Information System is web application that is used for registering and tracking the domestic violence victims and...
29 December 2013
Kerkomjekun.com (Find a Doctor) is the first Kosovarian portal which helps patients to find doctors, dentists or treatments they need....
27 December 2013
LeaseFeet is a web based application and professional service package that helps commercial space stakeholders (landlords, brokers and tenants)...
18 December 2013
Industrial Policy Information System (IPIS) provides industrial policy officials and analysts with an efficient tool for developing and monitoring...
19 December 2012
EMIS - Employment Management Information System is a management tool used by the Public Employment Service of the Ministry of Labour and Social...